DC Sparkle Squad
DC Sparkle Squad is a new collective of artists, activists, and community members who use “ART + LOVE + COLOR + JOY” to build power within local communities, engage communities in the civic process, and expand equity across the United States. Collective members met by chance in Montgomery, Alabama in 2019 because of their shared hero Congressman John Robert Lewis and their abiding belief in the power of ART and “leading with LOVE” to inspire and move spirits. That meeting sparked an expansive, rapidly-moving collaboration beginning with the March on Washington in August 2020. After marching, the Squad expanded their project—“sparkling” in 8 swing states during the 2020 election and into the Georgia special election on January 5th. Still catching their breath post-election, DC Sparkle Squad engaged Liz Manne Strategy to support them with a strategic and operational planning process, one that is rooted in their truths and values, to develop and formalize a sustainable and inspirational mission-driven practice of art and activism.